The world through my viewfinder

Posts tagged “dubrovnik

Through the Frame: Open Door to Dubrovnik

View of Dubrovnik through an open door in the walls

See this doorway as an invitation!

It’s been great over the past few weeks to extend my visit to Dubrovnik by looking back at these shots and recalling moment after moment of history and beauty I’d seen on my visit. So let this open door be an invitation to you – if you’ve never been to this amazing city then I really can’t encourage you enough to go.  Full of history and culture, some of the friendliest people and a peaceful beauty that whispers to you from the moment you arrive.

Through the Frame: Dubrovnik New through Old

The city of Dubrovnik through an old stone window frame

From this old stone window, worn and weathered you can see out across a newer modern Dubrovnik – a place that is growing and changing day by day.  Outside of the old city walls the view is very different, having walked through this part of Dubrovnik I’ve discovered it has so much to offer.  Never before have I walked through stairways between closely placed houses and shops discovering a wonder of figs, lemons, oranges and peaches just above my head, just as beautiful as the old city – just in very different ways.  It’s almost as if the old city is locked in a different time – ignorant of much of the business and speed of life outside of it’s walls, just an observer as I was here, watching through it’s eroded and weathered stone windows, steeped in experience of an ever-changing world .

Through the Frame: Lokrum Dubrovnik

The island of Lokrum off the coast of Dubrovnik through a window

This was a fairytale moment – as I felt a little like a princess trapped inside a tower looking out on a vast sea and the island of Lokrum so dense with trees that you could hide there forever and never be found.  It reminds me how some things can seem so out of reach sometimes but again it’s all about perspective – only a few days after I shot this, I was wondering around the island.  It can be so easy to make up excuses, it’s too far, too hard, I’m not good enough when actually what we mean is – it’ll take effort, anything worth anything always takes effort and the ability to visualise ourselves on the other side of the window.

Through the Frame: Dubrovnik Rooftops

The city of Dubrovnik through a window on the walls

Some of my favourite scenes to shoot are ones viewed through a window or doorframe.  I love natural frames – limited perspective and playing with light to create drama, I can be somewhat dramatic.  Over the next few days I’ll be posting other images taken in Dubrovnik through a variety of frames and when I’m out shooting I’ll continue to look for images to add to these, I love how it changes our perspective – sometimes we all need to see things differently.

Dubrovnik Pink Sunset

Pink sunset in Dubrovnik

Sometimes you look through the lens of your camera and feel unworthy of the scene painted before you.  Having found this location, just outside Dubrovnik’s walls, earlier in the day, I had expected it to reveal a standard golden sunset upon my return – but instead I was presented with this beautiful pink hue, so climbing a little higher I watched it fade through the branches of this tree.  As the colour dimmed appearing to be absorbed by the sea – whose tone became richer as the minutes ticked by, I felt somewhat voyeuristic, gazing out upon this intimate moment that I wasn’t worthy to observe.

Dubrovnik Rooftops

View from the walls of Dubrovnik across the rooftops

So many things about this beautiful place remain with you when you leave – but for me, it’s the Dubrovnik Rooftops that I remember the most.  Their intense colour set in contrast to the blues, grays and greens of their surrounding.  The richness of this amazing place never ceases to amaze me and the view from the walls affords you a glimpse of history, just think of all of those people through the years that worked to build and rebuild something so beautiful.

Dubrovnik Walls of Witness

Dubrovnik walls

The past is never really silent – it bears witness to all that it’s seen and cries out to the present, we’re just often too busy to listen.  The walls of Dubrovnik echo the stories of the Middle Ages, they’ve stood through an earthquake and the evidence of the siege in 1991 is almost impossible to miss, but as I walked around so many seemed oblivious to any of this.  It’s easy to be so in awe of the fabulous views as you travel around walls that you don’t see the story under your feet.

Dubrovnik Memories

Fort at Dubrovnik

Having had to scrape ice from my car windows this morning I can’t believe the difference – last weekend I was looking at this. It was great to visit Dubrovnik again.  It had been almost 7 years since my first visit and although many things have changed – colour and culture were beautifully evident everywhere I looked, I’ll be posting other shots over the next few days.

Make Music

Dubrovnik Musicians

When you’re doing something you love – people around you notice!  I shot this just inside the walled city of Dubrovnik last weekend, I watched the musicians as they played song after song with passion that was contagious.  I’m sure their enthusiasm made the music sound better and made the experience richer for those of us watching.  I hope today we’re all doing something that we love – that’s when we can have the biggest impact on the world around us.